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Clinton County Real Estate Closing Lawyers

About Clinton County, New York:

Clinton County is located on the northeast corner of New York State on the Vermont and Canada border. Founded in 1788, Clinton County was named after George Clinton, the first governor of New York State and the Vice President of the United States under Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Clinton County occupies 1,117.53 square miles square miles and has a population of approximately 80,485. The county seat is Plattsburgh

Popular locations in Clinton County to visit include the Kent-Delord House, Valcour island, Plattsburgh City Beach, Point Au Roche State Park, Taylor Pond, Cumberland Bay state Park, Upper Chateaugay Lake, and Macomb state Park.

The median house sale price in Clinton County in 2020 was $159,900.  Clinton County Real Estate Attorneys are available to assist and represent buyers and sellers of residential and commercial properties throughout all of Clinton County including properties located in Plattsburgh, Altona, Dannemora, Black Brook, Champlain, Clinton, Beekmantown, Au Sable, Ellenburg, Chazy, Mooers, Saranac, Schuyler Falls, and Plattsburgh.